
Friday 16 September 2016

Ryder the dragon

Once upon a time there was a draoN caLLeD Ryder and Live in a scary castLe. One day Ryder saw a Beautiful girl draoN and they played tag with their frieNd's. Next the witches of Eastwick saw Ryder and took him to the village of farmers. Then He raced away to the Giants Land. Suddenly a huge giant saw Ryder and a witch come to take him. Finally Ryder went to his scary castle and had a play and had a happy day.

Ryder the dragon

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Mariko the Rabbit

Mariko the Rabbit that Live in a sky tower

Once upoNa time there a Rabbit  caLLed  Mariko and she Lived in the sRy tower. One day Mariko went on a Big adventure she saw a beach and Mariko made a sandcastle and went for a swim too. Suddenly she saw a shark and swam away from it. Next she saw a Big Log and got On it. Then she founa a Beautiful isLand and she saw same me ads playing by the rocLos she floated for 2 days she landed and  saw Rabbits. She was so happy that she made it her home. Finally she had Little play of tags with her new friends.